Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you're all enjoying it thus far!
I have two words for you that I'm very excited about: QUAD CORE!! Lame, I know - I don't get out much - lol! I woke up on Christmas morning and found Santa had left me this little baby:
I had so many computer troubles last year, my clip art, documents, pictures etc were all housed on four 32GB pen drives and two external hard drives, as my poor dual core just couldn't cope any more! I had removed every program that I wasn't using and was really fed up switching pen drives in and out to get what I needed. I spent 3 whole days in my pyjamas putting everything known to man on this new laptop and I still have about 700gb free - oh joy!! Windows 8.1 is not so bad once you get your head around it and I'm totally addicted to playing with my new baby! I splashed out and bought several new programs, so it will be bread and water for the rest of this month!
We all know that this time of year is a time for reflection, a time to put our house in order, so to speak. I know my own faults so well, no self-discipline, world's worst procrastinator, always late for everything (I don't know how my hubs puts up with me!), housework shy (lol!) and on the list goes.....Every year I resolve to change this, but have finally realised I'm setting myself up to fail - I just can't change my character. I get stressed trying to be the person I think I should be instead of enjoying the person I am. This year I made one resolution only, well two, but intertwined.....lose weight, exercise more to try to stabilise my health issues. I didn't wait until the new year to start this, it has been an ongoing process for a couple of months. I am determined, by summer, that I won't be embarrassed to wear summer clothes any more!! Yesterday I stepped on the scales and found I have now lost 20lbs - I have amazed myself - haha! Ideally I would like to lose another 20lbs. I feel the benefits already, I can bend down (and get back up again!) without my back hurting, I can paint my toenails, in fact I can even see my feet - woohoo! The second stage is stepping up the exercise. Just this week I booked an appointment with a 'Well Woman' clinic to have a once over and see if I need to make any other lifestyle changes. My parents both had heart attacks - my Dad died at 44 from his, so it's really time to take stock, especially because I spend so much time sitting at the computer since I joined TpT - so it's onwards and upwards with the "Bloggy Butt Take-down" - are you on the same journey? What do you plan to change this year? I love the opportunity to start afresh and want to keep trying new things both personally and professionally. I start school on Monday and I'm already getting that feeling of dread in terms of what stress lies ahead for me - I know many teachers experience this. I dearly love teaching my little firsties, but sadly teaching is about so much more than this and it's the 'rest of it' that many of us struggle to cope with. The night owl in me can't make myself go in any earlier, so I plan to stop being the last person standing every day. The days are on the turn and I want to be home to go to the beach with Blue. I'm going to stop working through my breaks and actually take them.

Some new products to present:
Some freebies for you! Hope you find something useful!
Here's to a fabulous 2014! Let me know what you're up to!
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